Types of weather

                     When the weather remains the same for a long period we call it a season. There are 3 types of season mostly. They are summer, monsoon and winter.                                                                                                        It is very hot in summer. We mostly wear thin and cotton clothes in summer season. We drink cool fruits juice to keep cool ourselves. We mostly like to take bath in this season. We don' t want to go out and play in this season because its too hot in this season. So, to be safe from hot mean sun we should take umbrella wherever we go and take bath daily and we should use fans and air conditioners to keep ourselves cool during summer.                                                                                                                                                            After  the long summers heavy rains arrive. We wear raincoats and gumboots and use umbrellas to protect ourselves from the rain. Rains bring relief to the farmers. During the rainy season the sky is usually cloudy. Often the Sun cannot be seen as it is covered by clouds. So, to be safe from rainy season we should use raincoats, umbrellas, e. t. c.                                                                                                                              Winters are very much cold. Winter mornings are misty. We wear woolen clothes to keep ourselves warm in this season. We like to have hot foods and drinks during winter. We often use electric heaters to keep ourselves warm. In this season, we don' t want to move from one place to another. We just want to be warm and sit in bed by covering our body by blankets.                                                                                     So, these are the types of weather.                                                               

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